last but not least ida bux aka mc anka - after rocking numerous clubs in berlin on the decks and beeing a substantial force behind takatak events, she is now conciously turning her passion into production and live performances. watch her powerful live session here:
-- 02.04.2023 --
imagine what's gonna happen if a jazz pianist essentially dives deeply into modular synthesis concept of man of course joined our session in lichtenberg - here's the performance that also conceptually incorporates some of his recently released singles:
-- 26.03.2023 --
a few days ago franziska hentsch and her team published a beautiful video portrait of our friends from kolektiw wakuum
-- 12.03.2023 --
we also had a special guest around: thomas mueller, an old rabbit on the vinyl decks perfectly strengthened our variety with a dreamy drum and base mix - so, let your hips beeing treated well guys :)
-- 05.03.2023 --
last weekend's recording session was awesome! thanks again to all dudes contributing - here's a first one: mason rent's live set on youtube
-- 11.09.2022 --
our friends from kolektiw wakuum just released a nice tape of their newest project called serbsko waliziske přećelstwo/ sorbian welsh friendship which is a nice cross genre sampler of well known dudes in the welsh and sorbian music scene
yesterday Mason Rent (drum machine) along with his mates Miro (effects) and Peer (piano) gave a nice experimental impro film concert (Der Leuchtturm) at freiluftkino pompeji/kino zukunft
-- 19.06.2022 --
we so much love to share the Meta Solis festival date here:
Přećeljo*ki słónca! Tu sydaja nětko krok po kroku najaktualniše informacije k Meta Solis 2022 - datum hižo stej, 05.-07.08. při staroznatej městnosći při Miłočan skałje. Přeprošće rady wašich přećel*k*ow do tuteho kanala. 😋
Freund*innen der Sonne! Hier gibt’s ab jetzt die neuesten Infos zum Meta Solis 2022 - das Datum steht schon, 05.-07.08. an dem altbekannten Ort am Miltitzer Steinbruch. Ladet gern eure Freund*innen in diesen Kanal ein. 😋
be prepared folks, may 1st is again patterns time at tempelhofer feld this time with jack williams, a video artist and experimental writer music by stoid (aka truthmaker) so stay stable! it'll be fun more infos on
we were very happy as some days ago filmverband sachsen e.v. presented hara crash's new video swojowola among other contemporary sorbian music acts, thanks to claudia mende :)
-- 28.01.2022 --
the new year started and just feeds your tape deck: mirek amachi stuck to his gear and produced like hell last time, see listen - this is joy:
strm and stoid gonna play at the 2nd patterns event next saturday at tempelhofer feld facebook instagram
-- 29.05.2020 --
its out now - the bali express ep the freshest stuff from us served with love
-- 16.05.2021 --
on may 29th a hara crash remix ep BALI EXPRESS will be released
we want to celebrate this ep with the whole crew behind and you! so hop on to our train to bali this evening and see you in the livestream
Někak před dobrym lětom mějachmoj wjacore naprašowanja nastupajo remixowanja jedneho z našich spěwow. Z toho wuwiwaše so małki projekt, kotryž ma takrjec 29.5. premjeru 🙂 Wuńdźe mjenujcy zběrka remixow našeho spěwa Bali. A to chcemy jako label rady tež z wami woswječić.
-- 17.04.2021 --
cali strikes back oh nine! our 9th catalog release is an ep by strm that goes 'voll auf die neun'
****warning: may include psycho active pictures****
check it out!
-- 02.04.2021 --
hara crash plays tomorrow at the 360° festival - join the livestream, it starts already tonight
-- 01.03.2021 --
we share hellotrip's stream at kombuxtion 01.21 - enjoy :)
-- 12.11.2020 --
hellotrip often combines acid sounds with different styles like tech house, deep tech or leftfield so he did with this track, taken from his philosophical bandcamp release time and distance hope you like it as we do!
-- 26.02.2020 --
hey - everybody who couldn't grab a vinyl of hara crash's ep at our release party: HHV just started the preorder here
-- 19.02.2020 --
hey guys! here's mason's power live session from our label night thanks to all people who joined us, it was great fun!
-- 07.02.2020 --
there it is! Mutant Rebuilds - a various artists compilation to pay tribute to Hellotrip's brilliant "Mutant" track he already uncovered last year on his Bad Recordings EP. Every single remix lets different uncontrolled mutations to happen. Keep track of our safer use guidance!